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Conference Rooms


Grand ballroom / Hybrid Event

Size, Dimension, Capacity, equipment, Facilities on Standard, 부대시설, LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 1전시장 Grand ballroom 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
(unit : m)
Size Area(m²) Width x Vertical Height
Grand ballroom
(A+B, Integration)
1,600 50 x 32 10
Grand ballroom
(A/B, split)
800 25 x 32 10
Facilities on Standard
(unit : m)
Banner Holder Center stage both sides of the stage back center
11 x 1 9 x 8.3 12 x 7
stage size 15 x 8, Height 0.9
equipment Simultaneous interpretation facility in 8 languages, Screen(300 inches embedded), 10,000ANSI Beam projector
15 microphone (9 cable, 3 wireless), light, batten, Speaker, etc
Subsidiary facilities 2 Organizer's office, VIP waiting room(8 people)
Information desk, Dressing room, storage room
(unit : pax)
Lecture Type Theater Type banquet Type Reception Type
800 1,600 900 2,000
※ Jayu-ro direction lobby banquet Type 500 seats
Category Items included Price(VAT excluded)
package1 Available LED Screen 5 million KRW ~
package2 Available LED Screen
Split and switch video screens
Arrangement of video experts
10 million KRW ~
package3 Package 2 plus
Sound system(monitor, speaker, audio mixer, wireless microphone, etc)
Lighting system(spotlight, stage lighting, etc)
Internet live streaming(ENG camera, relay system, etc)
30 million KRW ~
Other Service Electronic name plate, multi-LED podium, furniture/Equipment, center piece, etc
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Hybrid Event Studio

Following the Digital era, KINTEX supports cutting edge hybrid events.

Hybrid event studio is installed in a grand ballroom which has the capacity of 2,000 people. It is equipped with a live streaming Equipment which allows the event to communicate with Lecture Typers and audience all over the world without the restrictions of the number of people participating in the event.

KINTEX promises to provide the best service that is optimized to each event by collaborating with Korea's best hybrid event company M Big.

One stop service that is provided in different packages
Stay safe by maintaining social distancing
Console system that is compatible with all platforms
Large high resolution LED screen (11m X 4m)
Real-time communication through VR·AR video transmission
Lively hologram images
Sound and lighting system that is up to the standard of professional broadcasting stations
Vivid image brought by 4K digital camera
Customized service that reflects the nature of event

Grand Conference Room

Size, Capacity, equipment, LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 회의실 1전시장 이벤트홀 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 420 ㎡(32m x 13m x 4m)
Capacity Lecture Type 220 people
Theater Type 360 people
banquet Type 180 people
Reception Type 300 people
equipment Screen(embedded 150”), Speaker
5,000 ANSI Beam projector, 7 microphone(5 cable, 2 wireless)
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Size, Capacity, equipment, LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 회의실 1전시장 통합회의실 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 468 ㎡(36m x 13m x 4m)
Capacity Lecture Type 250 people
Theater Type 400 people
banquet Type 180 people
Reception Type 300 people
equipment Screen(embedded 200”), 50“ Auxiliary PDP, Speaker
5,000 ANSI Beam projector, 8 microphone (4 cable, 4 wireless)
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Medium Size Conference Room

Size, Capacity, equipment, LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 회의실 1전시장 Medium Size Conference Room 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 234㎡(18m x 13m x 4m)
Capacity Lecture Type 120 people
Theater Type 200 people
banquet Type 80 people
Reception Type 150 people
equipment Screen(embedded 200”)
5,000 ANSI Beam projector, 4 microphone(2 cable, 2 wireless)
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Size, Capacity, equipment, LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 회의실 1전시장 Medium Size Conference Room 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 225㎡(15m x 15m x 3.67m)
Capacity Lecture Type 100 people
Theater Type 160 people
banquet Type 60 people
Reception Type 100 people
equipment 1 Screen(embedded 150”), Speaker
5,000 ANSI Beam projector, 4 microphone(2 cable, 2 wireless)
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Size, Capacity, equipment, LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 회의실 1전시장 Medium Size Conference Room 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 234㎡(18m x 13m x 4m)
Capacity Lecture Type 120 people
Theater Type 200 people
banquet Type 80 people
Reception Type 150 people
equipment 1 Screen(embedded 200”), Speaker
5,000 ANSI Beam projector, 4 microphone(2 cable, 2 wireless)
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Small Size Conference Room

Size, Capacity, equipment, LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 회의실 1전시장 Small Size Conference Room 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 45㎡(5m x 8.5m x 4m)
Capacity Lecture Type 20 people
Theater Type 30 people
banquet Type 10 people
Reception Type 30 people
equipment Screen(embedded 150”)
5,000 ANSI Beam projector, 4 microphone(2 cable, 2 wireless)
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Size, Capacity, equipment, LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 회의실 1전시장 분할회의실 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 117㎡(9m x 13m x 4m)
Capacity Lecture Type 50 people
Theater Type 100 people
banquet Type 50 people
Reception Type 80 people
equipment Screen(embedded 150”)
5,000 ANSI Beam projector, 3 microphone (2 cable, 1 wireless)
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Size, Capacity, equipment, LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 회의실 1전시장 Small Size Conference Room 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 117㎡(9m x 13m x 4m)
Capacity Lecture Type 50 people
Theater Type 100 people
banquet Type 50 people
Reception Type 80 people
equipment Screen(embedded 150”), Speaker
5,000 ANSI Beam projector, 4 microphone(2 cable, 2 wireless)
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VIP Conference Room

Size, Capacity, equipment, LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 회의실 1전시장 VIP 308 회의실 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 234㎡(18m x 13m x 4m)
Capacity 34 people(fixed type)
equipment 20 Delegate microphone, Beam projector(3,600ANSI)
Speaker, Screen(embedded, 200”)
4 microphone(2 cable, 2 wireless)
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Size, Capacity, equipment, LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 회의실 1전시장 VIP 309A 회의실 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 117㎡(9m x 13m x 4m)
Capacity 12 people(fixed type)
equipment 20 Delegate microphone, Beam projector(3,600ANSI)
Speaker, Screen(embedded, 200")
3 microphone (2 cable, 1 wireless)
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Size, Capacity, equipment, LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 회의실 1전시장 VIP 309B 회의실 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 117㎡(9m x 13m x 4m)
Capacity 20 people(fixed type)
equipment 20 Delegate microphone, Beam projector(3,600ANSI)
Speaker, Screen(embedded, 150")
3 microphone (2 cable, 1 wireless)
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Video Teleconferencing Room

  • Eligibility
    Organizers using KINTEX Exhibition Center or conference rooms
  • Size
    104.6㎡ / 7 rooms
  • Fee
    100,000 KRW ~ 800,000 KRW / VAT excluded
  • Booking
    Approved will be granted through advance reservation and contract(it will be provided to the VTC Room users first)
  • Purpose
(온라인)화상상담실 용도, 다목적 이용용도 정보로 이루어진 1전시장 VIP 309B 회의실 정보 테이블 표
Usage Details
(Online) VTC Room Hosts online video teleconferences with major buyers from abroad who cannot physically participate in exhibitions in person
Trade meeting
When holding a trade meeting between foreign buyers and local sellers
Organiser Meeting Room Different areas will be allocated for different tasks of exhibition and conference organizers and related parties
Organiser Office Extra space on top of the designated organizer's offices will be available for organizers and related parties during international exhibitions and conferences
ETC Security and escort area, waiting room for opening ceremony and concert guests, and office areas for exhibition participants

Broadcasting Studio

  • Eligibility
    Organizers, Exhibitor using KINTEX
  • Size
  • Booking
    Approved will be granted through advance reservation and contract
  • Fee
(KRW / VAT excluded)
Time, Price K-STUDIO Infotmation Table
600,000 700,000 800,000
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전시회 문의 공연(콘서트, 페스티벌) 문의 오어진 주임 031-995-8033 ejoh@kintex.com
컨벤션마케팅팀 컨벤션 문의 정부,협단체,정당,채용/입시 김승영 차장 031-995-8183 convention@kintex.com
국제, 기업, NM, 종교 손효인 대리 031-995-8269 convention@kintex.com
학술대회, 부대행사, 입주자박람회 장형진 대리 031-995-8207 convention@kintex.com
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상설매장(팝업스토어) 문의 이근숙 차장 031-995-8367 ksl78@kintex.com
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