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Exhibition Hall

Room in KINTEX 2

VIP대기실, 주차 관리실, 주차 관리실, 주최자 사무실, 비즈니스 센터, 주최자 사무실, 유아휴게실/수유실, 안내데스크, 의무실, 프레스 센터, VIP대기실이 표시 되어 있는 2전시장 맵 이미지 2전시장 맵 이미지

Hall 6

Size, Dimension, Capacity, Hall Inside, Organizer Facilities , LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 2전시장 6홀 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 5,580㎡
Dimension Width X Verticle X Height (m) Area (㎡)
6A 31 x 60 x 10 1,860
6B 31 x 60 x 10 1,860
6C 31 x 60 x 10 1,860
6A+6B+6C 93 x 60 x 10 5,580
Capacity Booth Setting : 200Booths (3m x 3m standard booth, including gangway)
A · B · C each 2split available, All 6parts available
6parts – Lecture Type : 400 people, Theater Type : 800 people, banquet Type : 450 people, Reception Type : 1,000 people
3parts – Lecture Type : 800 people, Theater Type : 1,600 people, banquet Type : 900 people, Reception Type : 2,000 people
All – Lecture Type : 2,400 people, Theater Type : 5,400 people, banquet Type : 2,700 people, Reception Type : 6,000 people
Hall Inside Trench: Electricity, Water supply, Compressed air, Phone, Internet
Finishing material for floor : Carpet
Floor Load: 2 ton/㎡
1F : 3 Organizer's office, 1 VIP waiting room, 2 Instructor Waiting Room, 1 Waiting Room,1 Dressing room,4 Office
2F : 3 Sound control room, 2 Interpretation room (8 languages ​​each)
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Hall 7

Size, Dimension, Capacity, Hall Inside, Organizer Facilities , LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 2전시장 7홀 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 11,290㎡
Dimension Width X Verticle X Height (m) Area (㎡)
7A 63 x 90 x 12 5,645
7B 63 x 90 x 12 5,645
7A+7B 126 x 90 x 12 11,290
Capacity Booth Setting : 510Booths (3m x 3m standard booth, including gangway)
A or B can be separately utilized
Hall Inside Trench: Electricity, Water supply, Compressed air, City gas, Telephone, Internet
Finishing material for floor : concrete polishing
Floor Load: 5 ton/㎡
1F: 2 Organizer's office, 1 Restroom, 1 Warehouse, 2 Office
2F: 2 Organizer's offices , 2 Exhibition Company Office, 2 Spare room
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Hall 8

Size, Dimension, Capacity, Hall Inside, Organizer Facilities , LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 2전시장 8홀 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 11,290㎡
Dimension Width X Verticle X Height (m) Area (㎡)
8A 63 x 90 x 12 5,645
8B 63 x 90 x 12 5,645
8A+8B 126 x 90 x 12 11,290
Capacity Booth Setting : 510Booths (3m x 3m standard booth, including gangway)
A or B can be separately utilized
Hall Inside Trench: Electricity, Water supply, Compressed air, City gas, Telephone, Internet
Finishing material for floor : concrete polishing
Floor Load: 5 ton/㎡
1F: 2 Organizer's offices , 1 Restroom, 1 Warehouse, 1 Office
2F: 2 Organizer's offices , 1 Office, 2 Restroom
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Hall 9

Size, Dimension, Capacity, Hall Inside, Organizer Facilities , LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 2전시장 9홀 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 11,290㎡
Dimension Width X Verticle X Height (m) Area (㎡)
9A 66 x 99 x 15 6,509
9B 66 x 99 x 15 6,729
9A+9B 132 x 99 x 15 13,238
Capacity Booth Setting : 550Booths (3m x 3m standard booth, including gangway)
A or B can be separately utilized
Hall Inside Trench: Electricity, Water supply, Compressed air, Phone, Internet
Finishing material for floor : concrete polishing
Floor Load: 5 ton/㎡
1F: 2 Organizer's offices , 1 Restroom, 3 Warehouse, 1 Office
2F: 2 Organizer's offices , 1 Exhibition Company Office, 2 Spare room
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Hall 10

Size, Dimension, Capacity, Hall Inside, Organizer Facilities , LAYOUT 정보로 이루어진 2전시장 9홀 정보 테이블 표
Category Details
Size 13,072㎡
Dimension Width X Verticle X Height (m) Area (㎡)
10A 66 x 99 x 15 6,563
10B 66 x 99 x 15 6,509
10A+10B 132 x 99 x 15 13,072
Capacity Booth Setting : 550Booths (3m x 3m standard booth, including gangway)
A or B can be separately utilized
Hall Inside Trench: Electricity, Water supply, Compressed air, Phone, Internet
Finishing material for floor : concrete polishing
Floor Load: 5 ton/㎡
1F: 2 Organizer's offices , 1 Restroom, 2 Warehouse, 1 Office
2F: 2 Organizer's offices , 2 Exhibition Company Office, 2 Spare room
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학술대회, 부대행사, 입주자박람회 장형진 대리 031-995-8207 convention@kintex.com
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